Galleri Susanne Ottesen
Body Movin’, 2012.
(Exhibition text – EN)
Morten Buch, Body Movin’
31 August – 04 October 2012
Morten Buch’s exhibition Body Movin’ at Galleri Susanne Ottesen presents a series of works, which reach out and take hold of the spectator. The exhibition title references both the physicality and the energy one experiences when confronted with the works. With their powerful and vigorous brushstrokes and bright colour scheme they convey an action, a movement and an energy, which draws you in. When viewing the works a bond between the artist and the spectator is established through experiencing the brushstrokes and movement of the paintings. The spectator’s gaze is guided round on the picture plane and through this action one shares the work’s process of creation with the artist and hereby a shared now.
Despite their foundation in the two-dimensional, the works take shape on the canvas as sculptural forms, which through their play with depth and surface protrude into the room. Buch describes this painterly process as painting from the wall and forwards for hereby to enable the work to fold out and expand – not fold up.
Morten Buch paints objects familiar to us; tents, shoes, vases, mattresses etc. The motives are chosen based on their patterns of movement and dynamic attributes through which to investigate the thematics of the physical painting. Each in their own way the motives explore spaciousness and flatness, lightness and heaviness.
Buch’s works are not emotional. They are not psychological but rather physical paintings. The works are experienced through the body, and through participating in the experience one becomes immersed in the artistic intentions. The works point towards an action, a movement, a presence and through this at our physical characteristics as human beings, at our very existence.