Stig Brøgger
01 Mar – 04 May 2019
Galleri Susanne Ottesen and Strandberg Publishing are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition WORKING SPACE as well as the launch of the monograph Stig Brøgger: NOW HERE Friday 1 March 2019, 5-7 pm.
Besides showing new paintings and photographs, WORKING SPACE showcases a selection of Stig Brøggers earlier works in the shape of whole series and single works from the 1960ies and to this day. Here including the photo series Selvportræt from 1967, the photoperformance Shooting from 1969, the series Historisk billed: Danmarksbillede i ni afsnit from 1975 and selected works from the series Now Here, 1989-90, Plainthings 1996, and Talking Pictures, 2006 as well as the full series Bauhaus Frozen from 1993.
first Stig Brøgger presentation in the gallery was the exhibittion NOW HERE in 1991.
For the first time ever the monograph Stig Brøgger – NOW HERE gives a complete mapping of Stig Brøggers comprehensive work through six decades, through richly illustrated articles. The publication is edited by Birgitte Anderberg and contains contributions by Mikkel Bogh, Anne Ring Petersen, Tania Ørum, and Charlotte Præstegaard, as well as a reprint of texts by the French philosopher Jean-Franҫois Lyotard and Stig Brøgger himself.