Troels Wörsel
Sur le Motif
13 Apr – 02 Jun 2012
In conjunction with the exhibition Sur le motif we have asked Troels Wörsel about the work he shows.
GSO: The exhibition title Sur le motif can in French mean: at the motif, on the motif; what does the motif mean to you?
TW: The title is rather an exhortation to my self, because none of the works in the exhibition have actually been done directly in front of a motif; however, they are based on something actually seen, on visual experiences. But the situation in front of the motif has interested me a lot the last couple of years. Besides the title is, as you mention, ambiguous. It can also be translated as “About the Motif”. The motif in itself doesn’t actually mean anything to me – although, of course, some motives speak more directly to me than others. But that doesn’t have anything to do with the motif, it has to do with me. Instead, what interests me is the relation between image and motif; and that is decided by how the motif is seen and by how the image can represent the seen.