Emil Westman Hertz


25 Feb – 02 Apr 2011

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

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Emil Westman Hertz, Feber, 2011

Installation view

Emil Westman Hertz’ exhibition Feber invite us on a journey of both ethnographical, anthropological and art historical nature which introduce us to a universe of branching references, mutated cell-like structures, opaque mythological ramifications, pseudo-scientific experiments, morphological and anatomical studies, and personally anchored stories and fragments. Feber spreads like an epidemic throughout the gallery through installational measures, accumulations, chaos and more scenic indications of primitive settlements, homely settings and spatial structures.